Monday, March 26, 2012

Be an Affiliate

I am new in this world of affiliation. I am applying to be an affiliate hoping one day I can earn money but engaging in this affiliation thing is not easy. I find difficulty in dealing with the merchant and so on. If you happen to pass by in this "home" of mine and read this, please share something about affiliation. Maybe tips will do to enhance my knowledge in affiliation.

As of now, there are 10 merchants approved my application as to be their affiliate. I am so thankful for this 10 merchants who believe in me though my capacity as a blogger is quite far compare with pro bloggers with PR 2 and above.

So if you wanna earn more money through blogging and drive more traffic to your website,  get paid for your great content.

If you are a merchant and wanna drive more traffic to your online store using performance based marketing, promote your online store here

Hope I can help you with this.

Stay awesome.

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