Monday, January 28, 2013

The Teacher

She must wake up early in the morning
To do her chores especially the cooking
She must rush to school to be in duty
Or else she might be tardy

She must do her lesson plan
And must cope up with the Deadlines
She must do all the works
Even if it is late and dark

The students are noisy, what a mess?
They don't listen , what a nuisance
They get zero during speed test or quizzes
And if they fail they protest

Oh! How difficult to be a teacher
So many works like a researcher
No time to enjoy life luxuries
They must work for the students future

Friends , let us understand how a teacher be
Always teaching like a bee
We must consider their hardships
To have good student for worthy leaderships.


Julieta Vinluan Japson
A poem for herself and to all teachers 

Disclosure: I do not own this poem. 

I would like to dedicate this poem to my friends and teachers. 
Long live, teachers!

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