Monday, March 25, 2013

Training on General Instruction for BEI (Board of Election Inspectors) and PCOS Operation

Yesterday, I attended the orientation, conducted by the COMELEC in coordination with the DOST, on General Instruction (GI) for BEI and PCOS Operation, held in Almont Hotel at 1:00 PM. 

What is PCOS? It is Precinct Count Operation Scanner. It is a ballot counting machine used with ballot box. It is designed to scan marked paper ballots, interpret the voter marks, tabulate each vote, generate reports, transmit the results and store each ballot image. (Source: factsheets given by the COMELEC)

Parts of PCOS:
1. Security Key Receptacle
2. Ballot Entry Slot
3. LED indicator
4. Administrative access compartment input
5. Poll Worker access input
6. Main memory card slot
7. Back-up memory card slot
8. Printer compartment
9. Operator LCD Screen with counter
10. Transmission port
11. Green Cast and Red Return buttons
12. Ballot Exit Entry Slot
13. Power ports
Note: Each part has its own function and uses.

Other peripheral of PCOS:
1. iButton Security Key
2. Computer Flash Removable Memory
3. Thermal paper
4. Ballot box
5. AC/DC adaptor
6. Power supply
8. BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network)

Honoraria of the BEI and their Support Staff:

The BEI Chairman and members will receive three thousand pesos only per member. Five hundred pesos per member for the Testing and Sealing of Machines. Another, five hundred pesos per member as one-time transportation allowance. Each member will enjoy service credits for three days only.

The Support Staff will receive one thousand five hundred pesos only per person and service credits for three days.

Election Day is on May 13, 2013.

Operating the PCOS:

Vote wisely! #DapatTama

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