Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Summer Class 2012

Education is a lifelong process. It has no end...It has no limit. I always inculcate the importance of education to the minds of young ones because I noticed that education for them is unimportant. They don't really value it.

Though I am tired of going to school and study lessons but I needed to engage myself with the new trends in education. I have to update myself with the newest policies and fads in education order to become a competent and globally competitive citizen.

To prove it, I enrolled myself in summer classes program.

My classroom is located at the fourth floor of the school building, these are the views I always see every time I pass on the aisle heading to my room.

I took the stairs in going up and down the building. Well, I don't have a choice. The building has no other way in going up and down the building. This is the view of the aisle going to my room.

And this is my room...empty...only chairs  were present :-)

This is my chair...

and these are my classmates with our Prof:-)

Take care.

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